If you are planning a new marketing strategy for your business and you have no idea how to start or what path to follow that will be successful and cost effective, you should go for the social media marketing. Most of the major brands as well as small companies are using this medium to promote their products & brands on social media. Social Media is considered to be the best and most effective way of communicating and addressing your target audience in an efficient manner.
You don’t have to be a marketing genius to setup any social media campaign, it’s a simple process if followed correctly.
Here are the five steps that will help you to create and implement a successful Social Media Campaign.
1- Select your Platform:
First of all you need to decide which social platform works best for your campaign.You need to know which social platform is more preferable and most suitable according to your nature of business and where the desired audience is availablei.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest etc.
Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are widely used and preferred for marketing for B2C services. On the other hand, if you are in B2b services then LinkedIn is more suitable according to your needs.
2- Target Audience
You should have the idea of what kind of audience you are targeting. It includes all the demographics (e.g. gender, age, education) and in order to get a true understanding, you must need to examine more socio-graphic information on how consumer interact with the social media. This could include the information such as (which websites do they visit regularly, which is more interesting for them). In addition to this information, an effective campaign needs to center around what value the company will be bringing to the consumer.
3- Implementation
Once you are done with the identification of an appropriate platform, you should start working on the idea and start decorating your business page, put some beautiful images which will attract users to company’s profile. Your presentation and content are the two things that gives a strong impression on the users. Put some notes about company’s back ground and setup a profile that will describe the nature of your brand and its services.
4- Engage Your Audience
In social media, it is easy to attract a consumer to join a campaign (e.g. ‘like’ a Facebook group or follow a Twitter stream). However, it is much harder to get a consumer to actually engage with the campaign and remain connected. The consumer needs to see that there is value with theengagement in order for them to continue to follow the execution and becoming more invested in the campaign. Choose your post wisely so it does not backfire on your brand, always try to post something that will trigger the user to get engage itself in the discussion and generate their interest
5- Evaluation
After specific time of period, evaluate your performance in order to determine how successful your campaign is and what impact it creates among the users and your consumers. The most important metric is to know how it works out for your business and how it helps you to create an image among the consumers and other users.
Above are just some basic tips for a successful social media campaign, although it seems very simple and easy and they are, but in order to get the right result you must understand the true power of social media before step in into it.
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