Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Facebook iOS Update Includes Voice Messaging

imageAn update to the iOS Facebook app allows users to have the same features that have previously been launched on the Facebook Messenger app on both iOS and Android devices.

The updated app for iOS means that users are now able to send voice messages when using the Facebook app.

The ability to send a voice message via the Facebook Messenger app was unveiled earlier this month which was later enhanced with VoIP calling free of charge in the United States and Canada.
Users of the Facebook app are also able to record a video and share it with friends from within the app.

Will you be sending voice messages and video recordings?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Tips for 2013

Many social media sites started out as personal sites but social media marketing has become one of the most powerful online strategies for businesses, online and offline.

In 2002, Friendster was launched in the U.S and then in 2003 MySpace began.
Next to be launched was Facebook in 2004. Facebook was originally started for students but quickly spread to be much more. Twitter was born two years later in 2006. Pinterest, said to be the fastest growing site ever, was launched in 2010.

All these sites, along with others, have become powerhouses in social media marketing. As each year passes the possibilities continue to grow and expand. There probably are not many businesses left that do not engage in social media marketing.
These social sites are continually growing, expanding and changing and it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with these changes. Below are the top ten tips to help your social media marketing in 2013.

1. Make your posts more relevant - When people first started using the social sites they were posting things like "Going shopping today with the kids. Wish me luck!" The social sites have grown and changed. You need to start posting more relevant information. Make it about your readers and followers, not about you. Post solutions, inspiration, and interesting facts that can be useful and helpful.

2. Utilize features and tools - Social sites are increasing the possibilities for your business with more tools and features than ever before. Take stock of all these tools and learn to use them for the benefit of your followers and your business.

3. Visual Marketing - Marketing is going visual and you need to do the same. Embed text and your business info in relevant graphics to post. Pinterest, using image sharing, has broken records with its growth. Pictures are also the mostly widely used and shared method of posting on Facebook. When people share your images you want them to see your website link or other relevant info.

4. Help Your Clients/Readers - No matter what business you are in, you cannot provide solutions to all your clients' needs. Be willing to post links, information and resources of other businesses that can help your clients where you cannot.

5. Use Your Analytics - Review your analytics regularly to see what is working and what isn't. Are people visiting one social site more than others? When are people visiting your pages? Find out everything you can from your results. You can learn a lot from your analytics but you must utilize them to reap the benefits.

6. Host Events - Hold regular events such as giveaways, seminars, chats, networking parties, promotions, etc. Facebook has recently updated their event feature so it is easier and more efficient.

7. Connections Not Sales - Use your social media pages to connect with your potential customers not for sales. You want to use social media to share information, respond to questions and comments and to showcase what your business is about. You don't want to continually bombard your social sites with sales pitches and ads. Help your followers find solutions, do not pitch to them.

8. Slideshare - Slideshare is predicted to be the fastest growing social site in 2013. Slideshare will allow you to share your presentations with millions. You can also share documents, PDFs and videos. The possibilities are endless with this Slideshare.

9. Google+ - Google+ will be more important to your business. By being on Google+, you will be able to take full advantage of Google's many services and tools. It hasn't the social power of some of the other sites but it is a central part of Google and you should be a part of it.

10. Use Fewer Social Sites - Concentrating your marketing efforts to a few of the better producing sites is more effective than spreading yourself too thin over many of the social sites. The time it takes to successfully participate in social media is substantial so you need to build a strong presence on the sites that deliver rather than trying to dominate them all.

Social media marketing is expected to reach new and unequaled heights in 2013. Don't let your business be left behind. Become active with social media. Really get involved. Make new connections and post relevant visual items. Make it about your followers and clients, not about what cereal you had for breakfast!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7467039

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Google+ iOS App Now Available In Many More Countries

Google+ has revealed that the social media platform is now available to iOS users in 48 new countries and territories around the world.

The news that will undoubtedly help support the notable growth of the social network was announced in a post by Google employee, Frank Petterson.

All of the new countries and territories to get the new Google+ iOS app are:

Albania, Anguilla
Barbados, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso
Cambodia, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Chad, Republic of Congo
Gambia, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana
Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Liberia
Macau, Malawi
Mauritania, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Montserrat, Mozambique
Namibia, Nepal
Palau, Papua New Guinea
Saint Lucia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Suriname, Swaziland, São Tomé and Príncipe
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos
British Virgin Islands

Last week, Google also launched updated photo sharing options for Google+ Local.

Do you have Google+ on your iOS device?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

Thursday, 17 January 2013

New Myspace Released To All Users


After a successful beta testing stage, the all-new rebranded Myspace has been released to the World Wide Web. The Justin Timberlake-backed redesign focuses on music sharing and discovery, with features similar to Pandora and Spotify, but also has a strong social media element.

When the re-re-re-release of Myspace was announced last year, there was a mixed response. Some welcomed the announcement,  fond memories of the original social media giant fresh in their minds. Others groaned in despair, having seen the social media site die, get resurrected and die again, only to see the site get resurrected once more.

The topic split public and professional opinion in two, perfectly illustrated by the lambasting The Next Web reporter Harrison Weber received from his TechCrunch counterpart Drew Olanoff after he wrote a gushing article contradictory to Olanoff’s own damning beliefs concerning the new Myspace.

Now, after having to read all the journalists’ opinions, arguments, points and counterpoints, the general public has the opportunity to see what they think of the service themselves.

So, who’s right, Weber or Olanoff?

Well, on first impressions alone, Weber has a strong case when he describes the service as “beautiful”. The site has a crisp, monochrome appearance, with a complex interface designed to take up little room on the screen and clean smooth popups to broaden the various toolbars.

imageThere are two toolbars with which users can navigate the site. One, at the bottom of the screen, sits just beneath the side-scroller and is ever-present. It has the Myspace home, profile and Discover buttons, as well as notifications, messages and search.

Dominating on the bottom bar is the song currently playing. Any song chosen will continue to play as a user navigates the site, and they can queue other songs to listen to after. The toolbar also has pause/play, skip, rewind, shuffle and repeat buttons.

When you hover over the ‘what’s playing’ section of the toolbar, an extension pops up with all your queued songs and history. Users can save their favourite queues or create mixes, go on the radio or send messages.

The one issue with the bottom toolbar is, because the side-scroller is directly above it, the queue popup obstructs the scroll bar. Of course, this is no issue for users with touchscreen  devices or mouse scrollers, which work up-left, back-forward.

imageThe toolbar to the left of the screen changes depending on whether the user is on their profile page, the Myspace home page or the Discover page. The profile page and the Myspace home page are very similar to those on Facebook, with the home page displaying updates from people, songs and other media that you have connected with in a stream, and the profile page displaying your own activity.

The Discover page is unique to the site. From the Discover page you can find people, music, videos and whatever is trending on the site at the time. Another issue I have with the site is apparent on the Discovery panel: there is a vast amount of white space between the links and the bottom toolbar. Of course, it’s only there to take the pop up Queue into account, but it looks ugly. Also, when the Queue pops up, there should be at least a little space between it and the links, otherwise it just seems to overlap them.

There is also an issue with the videos that you Discover on the site. The videos that are directly uploaded onto the site will continue to play in the bottom right hand corner of the screen as you navigate around Myspace, with the option to maximise the video if you wish to give it your full attention. Videos embedded from YouTube, however, will stop as soon as you navigate away from the page. Granted, the fact that the majority of videos will play continuously is fantastic, but on more than one occasion I have left a page halfway through a YouTube video, forgetting that this stops it.


The Search page is great, with an enormous search bar omnipresent at the top of the screen and clever categorisation to narrow down searches. Songs, Artists, Albums, People, Mixes and Videos are the six categories, all of which can be easily navigated between using the left-hand toolbar.

The Myspace music database seems to be pretty comprehensive, but is dominated by classics and American chart music. To test Myspace I searched for Journey and up came pretty much their entire discography in Songs. The same happened when I searched for Blur and relatively recent UK band Foals.

Bands with “Journey” or “Blur” in their name also came up when I searched, and bands with names or song names with words similar to “Foals”, suggesting that the search engine can deal with spelling errors and mistakes.

I then searched for a couple of songs that are yet to be released, “Inhaler” by Foals and “Not A Saint” by Vato Gonzalez vs. Lethal Bizzle & Donae’o – both are enjoying relative success in the UK charts. Admittedly, this is an unfair test: it should be expected that unreleased music would not have found its way onto a legitimate site like Myspace. Both tracks, however, can be found on YouTube.

Of course, this will undoubtedly change if more artists begin using their site, as anyone has the ability to upload their own music from the Manage tab.

imageHovering over a song will give the option to play or queue it. Hovering over the Venn diagram-like Connect symbol gives you further options, including Share, Add to Mix and make Profile Song.

Clicking on the song opens up a sidebar on the right of the screen showing you similar songs, similar artists, who has already connected to the song and gives you the option to leave a message if you are connected to the song yourself.

If you log out, when you log in the song you were listening to before will immediately begin playing again, with all your queued and listened to songs still in your playlist.

“Connect” is the all important button in the new Myspace. It’s best to think of it as a Like, Follow and Friend Request button all in one. With it, you can show that you like certain songs and follow certain artists. If you are an artist yourself other users can Connect with you.

To get started on the site, just go to www.myspace.com (the site still has the same domain name, but the URL will change to new.myspace.com once you arrive). When there you will be greeted with an image of the site’s celebrity sponsor, JT, looking dapper in a suit and tie, with a link to his new single “Suit & Tie”.

Two buttons dominate the screen: “Join” and “Sign In”. Users also have the option of clicking a link right at the top of the screen which takes them to the old Myspace. Clicking Join will take you to the usual form with details to fill in – name, email, gender, etc. – with three alternative options: log in with Twitter, Facebook or your original Myspace account. Artists can transport their original Myspace music from the classic site to the new one.

Once you have set up your account – complete with interests, description profile and cover image and location – you will be taken to the Myspace home page. Immediately noticeable is Myspaces unique design choice: the side-scroller.

Instead of scrolling top to bottom, Myspace pages are scrolled sideways – except the lists beneath each search category. Like Pinterest, Myspace pages are limitless but, due to the crispness of the sites design, the page can take a while to load when you reach the edge of what has already loaded and, on occasion, freezes altogether.


So, Weber is right that the site is beautiful and, despite its flaws, easy and rewarding to use. However, as Olanoff argues, who really cares about Myspace any more? With Spotify and Pandora providing a similar service, and YouTube an arguably better one, will the social media side attract users? Myspace is free to use, which works in its favour, but this also begs the question, how will it stay afloat with no obvious income?

I disagree with Olanoff on one point: ‘“Pretty things”’, he says ‘don’t win. Facebook is ugly, has 950M users. Twitter? 140M and boring, design wise, for the most part. It’s content that wins.’

In my opinion neither Facebook nor twitter are ‘ugly’. In fact, the beautiful simplicity of their designs is what attracts users in the first place, allowing easy navigation and quick discovery.

At this time it is too early to say whether Myspace will be successful, but the sites design, the ability to download your own music and the depth of its database suggest it could contend with both its music streaming and its social media rivals.

Have you set up an account on the new Myspace? What do you think?

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Social Voice App Bubbly Launched In The UK.

bubblyA new social media app called Bubbly allows users to share short voice messages with friends and followers.

The voice blogging service has been launched in the UK and users can share ‘Bubbles’ with those they are connected to as well as adding filters and other edits to their voice recordings.

The app has been described as the ‘Instagram of voice’ and already contains celebrity content with Manchester United footballer Rio Ferdinand being a regular user.

Ferdinand said that: “I love showing support for my fans, and Bubbly lets me connect with them in a way that I've never been able to before. Voice updates bring a fresh way for me to have a dialogue with my fans and I've been having a lot of fun posting recordings.”

Sharing voice recordings rather than text means followers and friends know that they are getting the content directly from the person they follow rather than that of someone who possibly just adds content to a star’s personal account.

Thomas Clayton, the CEO of Bubbly’s parent company, Bubble Motion, said that “We’re excited to bring such a fun and useful way of communicating with friends, family, and followers to Europe for the very first time.”

“Having popular celebrities like Rio Ferdinand joining the service early on is great, because users will get to experience the Bubbly difference in the celebrity/fan connection right off the bat.”

As well as the launch of the app in the UK, Bubbly have updated the iOS version of the app which people globally can now access.

What do you think of Bubbly? Will you be using the app?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Microsoft Informs Windows Live Messenger Users That Their Accounts Will Be Moved Over To Skype

newmicrosoft and skypew
Microsoft has sent out an email to all Windows Live Messenger users informing them that the service will be replaced by Skype on March 5th.

After Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5 billion in October 2011, Messenger’s dissolution became inevitable.

In November last year, Skype President Tony Bates confirmed that Messenger was going to be shut down in the first quarter of 2013.

“We've got good news to share! Skype and Messenger are coming together”, said Bates on the Skype blog.
“Millions of Messenger users will be able to reach their Messenger friends on Skype. By updating to Skype, Messenger users can instant message and video call their Messenger friends.”


Now, when users log on to Messenger, they will be prompted to “upgrade” to Skype by a banner notification which, when clicked, will cause the Skype install box to appear.

Installing Skype will automatically uninstall messenger and all Windows Live Messenger contacts will be transferred to the new Skype account.

Messenger will continue to function until the 15th, but after that users will be unable to access the service and will be asked to sign up to Skype.

Skype has numerous uses in the business world: it provides a low cost alternative to phone calling, a global video conferencing service and even an alternative way to interview potential employees.

How do you use Skype in your business?

Leave your comments below.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

"Tumblr" now a more popular Google search than "blog"

“Tumblr” has surpassed “blog” as one of the most searched terms on Google.

Tumblr overtook blog in December for the first time since the microblog network was started in February 2007, tweeted Laura Olin, Outbound social media director.
The decline of the traditional blog was foreshadowed in June 2009 by The Guardian's Charles Arthur in a story aptly titled "The Long Tail of Blogging is Dying."
"Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting," Arthur wrote. "People are still reading blogs, and other content. But for the creation of amateur content, their heyday for the wider population has, I think, already passed. The short head of blogging thrives. Its long tail, though, has lapsed into desuetude."

In November 2012, Tumblr became one of the top 10 most visited sites in the world, with an audience of about 170 million people per month, according to statistics from Quantcast. The network also collects about 20 billion pageviews per month, Tumblr founder David Karp announced.

“This isn’t meant to be a brag – though you should definitely try our new Android and iOS apps if you haven’t yet – but a credit to all of your brilliant creative efforts,” Karp wrote in a blog post. "You guys have earned an audience bigger than the biggest TV networks, and you continue to make some of the most thought provoking, insightful, inspiring, funny, diverse, and compelling content being created today.”

The word blog was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Thanks to early blogging networks like LiveJournal and Blogger, blogs became known for their "raw, unpolished authenticity and individuality," the Economist reported in 2006. The sudden rise of blogging may have also been its downfall, the New York Times reported in June 2009.

"According to a 2008 survey by Technorati, which runs a search engine for blogs, only 7.4 million out of the 133 million blogs the company tracks had been updated in the past 120 days,'" The Times added. "That translates to 95% of blogs being essentially abandoned, left to lie fallow on the web, where they become public remnants of a dream — or at least an ambition — unfulfilled."

Thanks to streamlined blogging networks like Wordpress, which powers about 22% of websites in the U.S., the traditional blogging model is certainly not going anywhere fast. But with Tumblr powering 87 million blogs, and growing, Wordpress' days of dominance may be numbered.

Image courtesy of Flickr, jessaax

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